Happy holidays to all of our customers! We here at Outdoor Solar Store hope everyone is having a safe, happy, and healthy end to the year. As we look behind at what a crazy and historic year we are about to leave, I want to focus on the little bright lights that we have to make sure we never forget there is always good happening in the world. 

Today I will talk about our high output solar spotlight. This is such a great product of ours as it is great for your holiday decorations as well as plenty of other places around your home. It is best placed to light up any business signs, bushes or small trees, mailboxes, or anything around 3-4 feet tall. This will make your object shine bright in the night for everyone to see.

One of our customers, Don D decided to place his in front of his mailbox. Rather he had a different idea when placing the solar spotlight here. He said: 

 “We put one of your lights on our mailbox and house number so that Santa can find our house!”

As this is holiday season and Santa will bring joy to everyone, Don wanted to make sure he had his mailbox nice and bright for Saint Nick. We hope everyone is doing well and we wish everyone a happy new year!

Spotlight shining on mailbox

 - Hayden S

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